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    General terms and conditions

    General terms and conditions of the agreement with the end clients of Cooolbox - natural personsOverview ›››
    General terms of the agreement with the end clients of Cooolbox - legal entitiesOverview ›››
    General terms of usage of the My Cooolbox clients portal
    Overview ›››
    General terms and conditions when concluding contracts for provision of access to and/or joint use of the physical infrastructure of Cooolbox, including to its elements and deployable facilitiesOverview ›››
    General terms for providing of coool.tvOverview ›››
    Общи условия на договора с крайните потребители на „Кулбокс“ АД – физически лица в сила до 26.06.2024 г.Overview ›››
    Общи условия на договора с крайните потребители на „Кулбокс“ АД – юридически лица в сила до 26.06.2024 г.Overview ›››
    Rules and measures for guaranteeing an open access to InternetOverview ›››